Appia Institute
A lull in political initiatives about wars could draw China closer to Russia just as the two countries’ agendas are drawing apart As Moscow was
Appia Institute
The EU and the US are concerned about the Chinese support for Russian military industrialization, and the PLA should think of its international thrust On

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Appia Institute

China’s Path Not Taken: Lost Global Leadership Opportunities

At the dawn of the 21st century, China encountered a series of decisive junctures that could have reshaped not just its destiny but that of the entire world. There was a striking series of missed opportunities and 'what-ifs' that could
/ Director - 12 April 2024
Appia Institute

Politics of Technology Between China and the West

China’s domestic imbalances and overcapacity, due to state subsidies, have for the first time taken center stage in trade talks with the USA, further complicating the already complex bilateral ties. In Beijing last week, American Secretary of Commerce Janet Yellen
/ Director - 8 April 2024

Bidening on America

Many Americans feel broken, and people are split on immigration and very divisive issues like

Taiwan to the polls: elections take centre

Taiwan heads to the polls. On Saturday 13 January, the de facto independent island, which

North Korea bombards tension and helps Russia

The extended Russian fighting in Ukraine is causing global geopolitical tremors across Eurasia. Seventy years

Xi Jinping’s military and foreign politics shifts

A substantial shift in China’s foreign approach may be underway, although it is still unclear