General Introduction for China’s Re-globalization: A Petrodollar Trilogy

General Introduction for China’s Re-globalization: A Petrodollar Trilogy[1] In early 1979, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping during a flight to the United States argued that countries establishing good relations with the US generally achieved economic development. In 1978, Vice Premier Gu Mu led a delegation to five Western European countries, including West Germany; the same year, […]

A Russian Roulette Peace

It’s a deadlock. Moscow has little or no incentive to stop its war in Ukraine, nor may Beijing. The EU should seek a clear victory or face the reality of falling under Russian influence or paying dearly for the war, but it won’t be easy. American President Donald Trump may have a wild card in […]

The Real U.S. Strength

China or other countries should consider what makes the U.S. strong and decide, accordingly, with a very Italian coda. On Jan 29, it’ll be the beginning of the year of the snake, a tricky time for everybody. It’s Chinese President Xi Jinping’s birth year 本命年. According to Chinese superstition, it can be very good or […]

US-China Peace Smoke Signals

There are signs that China and the U.S. are attempting to lower the temperature of their tensions, and the Holy See could play a larger role in seeking peace. In his New Year speech, China’s President Xi Jinping[i] provided a significant and elaborate analysis of the current situation, which merits in-depth examination. His main point […]