The U.S.-China Fight Can Be Solved, But Will It?

Ideally, finding a long-lasting peace solution between the United States and Russia or Iran is hard. Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war in Ukraine reflects Russia’s neo-Czarist ambitions and a rejection of the liberal order. Iran presents an even more complex issue, as its difficulties with the rest of the world are deeply rooted in religion. […]


Russian Hybrid Trap for China?

We seem to be facing a new style of hybrid military escalation. In February 2022, China believed Russia would easily win over Ukraine and cautiously supported it, thereby widening its rift with the US and creating a new fracture with the European Union. However, Russia failed to deliver, and the war remains unresolved. In 2023, […]


The State of China, the Party, and Democracy

The country’s future, the CPC, and democracy are at stake in Beijing’s drive for reunification with Taiwan. Now more than ever, sweeping them under the carpet won’t be easy.  In what state is the Chinese state? For centuries, China was not a state like its European counterparts. England, Spain, France, or Germany and the Holy […]


Accordo Cina-Santa Sede: conferma e rilancio

«La Santa Sede e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, visti i consensi raggiunti per una proficua applicazione dell’Accordo Provvisorio sulla nomina dei Vescovi, dopo opportune consultazioni e valutazioni, hanno concordato di prorogarne la validità per un ulteriore quadriennio, a decorrere dalla data odierna. La Parte Vaticana rimane intenzionata a proseguire il dialogo rispettoso e costruttivo con […]


UNIFIL’s Fig Leaf on Diverging Worldviews

The crisis between Israel and UNIFIL highlights the collapse of a unified UN perspective and differing agendas between Washington and Beijing. It is difficult to patch up the situation or dismantle the organization entirely. After World War I, the victorious powers created the League of Nations to avoid the mistakes and misunderstandings that led to […]


Does China need a Grand Strategy?

China might need a new Grand Strategy for the first time since the 3rd century BC unification, but it is quite elusive. Italy has parallel issues, and there could be lessons to be learned there. “Here begins our tale. The Empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been. In […]


Peace in Ukraine and Chaos for the World?

Is peace in Ukraine possible soon? The American elections are pivotal, of course. If Donald Trump wins, he has said he’ll achieve peace quickly. However, even if Kamala Harris is elected (as recent polls suggest is more likely), Russian President Vladimir Putin may seek a compromise, facing the prospect of four more years of fighting […]