The Holy See, Global Chaos, and Diplomatic Wisdom. Francis’s silence and his impediment may help the Vatican and Parolin’s silent mediation and work for peace in this moment The world seems to be slipping away from the fingers of the global powers, and perhaps as never before, we feel the urgency of a well-balanced word […]
On the Papacy: Resignations and the Impediment of the Holy See
Garaldina Boni, a professor of canon law at the University of Bologna, along with a group of canonists, has developed two legislative proposals addressing the issues of papal resignation and the situation of a pope’s total impediment. These proposals were presented at a conference in Turin in October 2022 and are available on the website […]
Intolerance for Intolerance?
A cultural coup of anti-laws against democratic laws is ongoing. To tell the difference and protect tolerance is paramount for the survival of freedom. Israel is a battleground. A hundred years ago, a series of coups d’état in Europe toppled old monarchies and young democracies born in the 19th century. Those revolutionary forces proclaimed themselves […]
Accordo Cina-Santa Sede: conferma e rilancio
«La Santa Sede e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, visti i consensi raggiunti per una proficua applicazione dell’Accordo Provvisorio sulla nomina dei Vescovi, dopo opportune consultazioni e valutazioni, hanno concordato di prorogarne la validità per un ulteriore quadriennio, a decorrere dalla data odierna. La Parte Vaticana rimane intenzionata a proseguire il dialogo rispettoso e costruttivo con […]
La “bestemmia” olimpica
La rappresentazione “queer” dell’ultima cena alla cerimonia di apertura delle olimpiadi di Parigi ha aperto una questione estremamente delicata al cuore del rapporto della modernità in occidente con la religione e della sua relazione con l’Islam. I vescovi francesi “sottolineano quanto sia importante oggi attraverso i valori sportivi e quelli olimpici promuovere nel mondo intero […]
Serious questions about Christianity and religions
There may be a missing bridge, a missing brother between the billion Catholics or self-proclaimed such, the Church, and people of other faiths. There may be other scriptures giving different names to their gods—the search for a theology beyond scriptures. It doesn’t eliminate scriptures, but it goes into a hitherto empty space unoccupied by scriptures, […]