Force and Reason: Advice from a Mongol Khan to Pope Francis

The “force of reason” and the “reason of force” have been central to the relationship between ideology/religion and political/military power in Europe and the Mediterranean—and later the world—for millennia. The combined strength of the Aristotelian argument and the Macedonian phalanx enabled not only the rapid conquests of Alexander the Great in the 4th century BC […]


The EU’s Challenge with Chinese Electric Vehicles

The European Union faces significant challenges in dealing firmly with China’s electric vehicle industry. Predictions suggest that the EU may eventually lower some tariffs or abandon them altogether, highlighting broader difficulties the Union currently faces. The EU is at a critical historical juncture. The recently published Draghi report argues for increased political integration and stronger […]


EU Elections and Upcoming G7 Confirming Trends on Russia

The G7 summit in Italy opens against the backdrop of a complex EU (European Union) election result, where the European Popular Party (EPP) confirmed its central role. Its allies, the Liberals and the Socialists, encountered a severe setback but remain strong. The Conservatives and the hard right (mostly pro-Russia) made advances but did not secure […]


A European price to end the Ukrainian war

The only way “Old Europe” has to retain its clout is to stop its hesitations, decisively help Ukraine win its war quickly, and then find a future settlement for Russia fitting a Eurasian balance. Without it, France and Germany could pay a long-term high price. The Russian offensive in Ukraine is falling apart even before […]


An Italian Postmodern Coup

The resignation of Mario Draghi as Prime Minister of Italy, to be officially tendered next Wednesday, could trigger a chain of events going well beyond Italian borders. They could engulf the whole continent and give Russia a badly needed political win, something that so far has escaped it on the battlefields of Ukraine. One scenario […]