A North Korean Fuse to WWIII?

The deployment of North Korean troops in Ukraine alongside Russian forces has radically altered the dynamics of the war in Europe and Asia, raising the stakes and making it more challenging to find peace. However, a pathway to peace must be sought now more than ever. South Korea is reportedly considering sending soldiers to Ukraine, […]


Francesco dopo Francesco

Dove sono l’anima e il cuore del pontificato di papa Francesco a oltre 11 anni dal suo avvio (13 marzo 2013)? La domanda ha attraversato i due giorni che SettimanaNews ha dedicato al tema assieme ai suoi lettori (Albino, Bergamo, 25-26 ottobre). Sessanta presenti, una meditazione biblica (sr. Elsa Antoniazzi), due relazioni di fondo (Daniele […]


The State of China, the Party, and Democracy

The country’s future, the CPC, and democracy are at stake in Beijing’s drive for reunification with Taiwan. Now more than ever, sweeping them under the carpet won’t be easy.  In what state is the Chinese state? For centuries, China was not a state like its European counterparts. England, Spain, France, or Germany and the Holy […]


The US Election’s Global Impact

On the eve of a momentous and very divisive US elections, Europe and all the American allies and friends are awaiting the results with immense uncertainty. It is the first time since WWII that there has been a significant difference between the two candidates in foreign politics, and it’s unclear how this will be resolved. […]


US: A Tale of Two Candidates and Two Foreign Directions

Without a general foreign policy consensus, in two wars and a significant China controversy, the two candidates could set America on very different paths with enormous consequences for the country and the world. In 2020, the two US presidential candidates, Donald Trump and Joe Biden, generally shared a common worldview. It was marked by a […]


A Reassessment on Lebanon’s UNIFIL

I visited the UNIFIL II mission in Lebanon in the spring of 2007 and already then the Hezbollah militiamen were irresponsive on urgings about disarmament or moving north of the Litani River as directed by the UN Security Council resolution 1701 (2006).Beyond the rules of engagement (linked to Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter) […]


Accordo Cina-Santa Sede: conferma e rilancio

«La Santa Sede e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, visti i consensi raggiunti per una proficua applicazione dell’Accordo Provvisorio sulla nomina dei Vescovi, dopo opportune consultazioni e valutazioni, hanno concordato di prorogarne la validità per un ulteriore quadriennio, a decorrere dalla data odierna. La Parte Vaticana rimane intenzionata a proseguire il dialogo rispettoso e costruttivo con […]