Trump and Christian Faith: Between Déjà-vu and Novelty

There’s nothing particularly new about a gathering of Christian ministers praying around U.S. President Donald Trump to bless him before the flashlights. Pastor Paula White-Cain was appointed to head the White House Faith Office. It happened, and it is happening again—for once, in a very imaginative and surprising start to the presidency, the scene wasn’t […]

Who Can Trump US Catholics

Trump’s whirlwind of executive orders was a skillful staging of his rhetoric’s emotional and communicative efficiency. Above all, two topics touch the fabric of the Nation: citizenship and immigration. The United States has also been built on the strength (skilled or unskilled) of immigrants. Since immigration intersects with foreign politics, diplomacy, and national security, many Supreme Court […]

United States, a crisis in parts of the Catholic Church

The world seems suspended in mid-air, awaiting the outcome of the American presidential elections and international political shifts according to the polls’ swings – and their interpretations. All anticipate the winner, hoping to have aligned themselves with him promptly. It’s as if the election results will resolve the American issue, on which—like it or not—the […]