Post-Syria New Domino Effect to China

A decade after the Syrian Jasmine Revolution’s unsuccessful struggle against Assad, the same revolutionaries defeated him in a week. What made the difference? Previously, Russian and Iranian military support propped up the regime. Now, those old allies are preoccupied elsewhere, depleted of their forces, and unable to provide the blood transfusions that once kept the […]

Martial Complication from South Korea

The martial law in South Korea, proclaimed and then quickly withdrawn by President Yoon Suk Yeol, has opened a new chapter for China with ramifications for Russia and the Middle East. Over the weekend, Yoon could be forced to step down. The constitution requires a two-thirds parliamentary majority for such a move, and the opposition […]

Sketches for a US-China Strategy

President Donald Trump promised to end wars, not start them. Yet, he has announced what could become one of the most disruptive trade wars in history, shaking the foundations of global commerce. He stated he would impose sweeping tariff hikes—up to 60%—against imports from China, the nation he views as a strategic adversary, and 10% […]

Russian Hybrid Trap for China?

We seem to be facing a new style of hybrid military escalation. In February 2022, China believed Russia would easily win over Ukraine and cautiously supported it, thereby widening its rift with the US and creating a new fracture with the European Union. However, Russia failed to deliver, and the war remains unresolved. In 2023, […]

A North Korean Fuse to WWIII?

The deployment of North Korean troops in Ukraine alongside Russian forces has radically altered the dynamics of the war in Europe and Asia, raising the stakes and making it more challenging to find peace. However, a pathway to peace must be sought now more than ever. South Korea is reportedly considering sending soldiers to Ukraine, […]

A Reassessment on Lebanon’s UNIFIL

I visited the UNIFIL II mission in Lebanon in the spring of 2007 and already then the Hezbollah militiamen were irresponsive on urgings about disarmament or moving north of the Litani River as directed by the UN Security Council resolution 1701 (2006).Beyond the rules of engagement (linked to Chapter VI of the United Nations Charter) […]

Accordo Cina-Santa Sede: conferma e rilancio

«La Santa Sede e la Repubblica Popolare Cinese, visti i consensi raggiunti per una proficua applicazione dell’Accordo Provvisorio sulla nomina dei Vescovi, dopo opportune consultazioni e valutazioni, hanno concordato di prorogarne la validità per un ulteriore quadriennio, a decorrere dalla data odierna. La Parte Vaticana rimane intenzionata a proseguire il dialogo rispettoso e costruttivo con […]