China’s Good Tidings for the Year of the Snake?

China might be off to a good start in the Year of the Snake. Three recent events could set a positive tone for the next twelve months: AI, Myanmar, and Hong Kong. The future remains highly volatile because of Beijing’s adversarial relationship with Washington, an open war in Ukraine, and massive instability in the Middle […]

Musk and China, a Wrong Bet?

Beijing’s trade and foreign affairs, heavily influenced by tradition, might need a change because of the new Trump policy on the Green Deal In ancient China, the Ministry of Rituals and Materials (禮品部) functioned as the de facto Foreign Ministry, managing foreign affairs and trade. International relations were strictly regulated, defined by interactions between the […]

The Worth of “Ideology”

Democracy is not only a value; it’s a powerful instrument, and forgetting it can damage China On the eve of the presidential inauguration, the US Supreme Court delivered a possibly historical verdict about the controversial social App Tik-Tok. The case was highly delicate because it was about choosing between national security or freedom of speech. […]

General Introduction for China’s Re-globalization: A Petrodollar Trilogy

General Introduction for China’s Re-globalization: A Petrodollar Trilogy[1] In early 1979, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping during a flight to the United States argued that countries establishing good relations with the US generally achieved economic development. In 1978, Vice Premier Gu Mu led a delegation to five Western European countries, including West Germany; the same year, […]

The Real U.S. Strength

China or other countries should consider what makes the U.S. strong and decide, accordingly, with a very Italian coda. On Jan 29, it’ll be the beginning of the year of the snake, a tricky time for everybody. It’s Chinese President Xi Jinping’s birth year 本命年. According to Chinese superstition, it can be very good or […]

US-China Peace Smoke Signals

There are signs that China and the U.S. are attempting to lower the temperature of their tensions, and the Holy See could play a larger role in seeking peace. In his New Year speech, China’s President Xi Jinping[i] provided a significant and elaborate analysis of the current situation, which merits in-depth examination. His main point […]

Twists and Setbacks in Traditional China’s Understanding of the World

“We are publishing the English translation, with the Chinese original version below, of a speech Professor Ge gave at Kyoto University in Japan last week. Professor Ge is considered the most critical historian of Chinese thought. The speech concentrates on Ge’s recurring theme, China’s world vision. In this case, it’s about the occasions to change […]