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Time: The Sacred Gift

- 22 October 2024
appia institute time fire

In the grand tapestry of existence, where myriad threads intertwine to weave the fabric of our lives, a singular, precious element underpins it all: time.
This silent current, this invisible hand, is not just a gift but a treasure of immeasurable worth.
Time, the most egalitarian of gifts, is bestowed upon each of us with unwavering impartiality.
Its value, often underestimated, its fleeting nature disregarded, and its profound significance overlooked, is a weighty treasure we carry with us every moment.

Imagine time as a river, its ceaseless flow carrying us ever forward.
Each moment is a droplet in this boundless stream, unique and irreplaceable.

Yet, like grains of sand slipping through our fingers, these moments vanish into the abyss of the past, leaving behind only the echoes of memories and the weight of regret for opportunities missed.
The sanctity of time lies in its finitude.
It is a non-renewable resource, a finite allotment granted to us for this earthly sojourn. Once spent, it can never be reclaimed or replenished.
Every second that ticks by is a moment lost forever, a fragment of our existence that has slipped through our grasp. This finite nature of time should constantly remind us of its preciousness and the crucial need to use it wisely, for our choices today shape our future.
In a world obsessed with instant gratification and fleeting pleasures, patience has become an anachronism. We rush through our days, our minds consumed by an endless barrage of distractions, our lives a blur of fleeting moments.

We sacrifice the present for the future, the now for the then, failing to realize that the present is all we truly have.

The disregard for time manifests itself in myriad ways.
It is evident in the chronic lateness that plagues our society and in the broken promises and missed deadlines that litter our lives. It is reflected in our indifference towards others’ time, in the casual disregard for punctuality that has become the norm. These actions disrespect others’ time and diminish our value, leaving us with regret and unfulfillment.
When we make an appointment, we enter into a sacred pact, a silent agreement to honor another’s time. Arriving late breaks this pact, violating the trust that has been placed in us.

It is a subtle yet profound disrespect, disregarding the preciousness of another’s life.

Time is not merely a measure of minutes and hours; it is the essence of our existence. It is the canvas upon which we paint our lives, the stage upon which we play our roles. It is the currency with which we purchase our experiences, the investment we make in our future.
To value time is to value life itself. It means recognizing our existence’s fleeting nature and embracing the present moment with gratitude and reverence. It means to savor each experience, cherish each encounter, and live each day as if it were our last.
In the words of the poet John Milton, “Time, the subtle thief of youth… steals on his wing my three and twentieth year”.
Let us not allow time to steal our lives and rob us of our precious moments. Let us instead embrace the gift of time, cherish its fleeting presence, and live each day to the fullest.

For, in the end, time is all we truly have.

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